
Discord Server

Ask your team supervisor for the invite link and password to access the Discord server for the competition.

To assist with communications there’s a Discord server for communicating with Blueshirts, your team members and other teams.

A fresh Discord server is created for each competition cycle, so everyone present will be a competitor, supervisor or Blueshirt who is part of the same competition.

If you do not wish to, or are unable to join Discord, you can still get support from as normal.


Invite links and entry passwords are sent to team supervisors at the start of each competition year. These ensure you’re added to the correct school / institution and team. Only team members and supervisors should be given access.

If you do not already have a Discord account, you’ll be prompted to create one. You may of course use your existing account, but please make sure the profile picture and username are appropriate.

Once invited, you’ll only have access to a few channels, namely #welcome-and-rules and #welcome-<username> (with your username in). Before you can join, you must read the rules shown in the #welcome-and-rules channel, and enter the password for your team in your personal #welcome-<username> channel.


The server has a number of channels for specific conversation. Please try to keep channels on-topic, and move channels if the conversation tangents. Each channel has a topic at the top of the screen showing what it’s about.

Team channels

Along with the common channels, there are some channels visible only to members of your team.

team-ABC (where ABC is your TLA) is a channel only your team (and Blueshirts) can see. Here you can converse among your team, and get help from Blueshirts without giving away too much of your strategy. These channels should be considered your own, and can be used to discuss anything competition related for your team.

When asking for support, it’s best to ask in public channels unless there’s a specific reason not to. This not only allows other teams who may be struggling with the same issue to benefit, but also allows them to contribute to a solution and discuss potential improvements.

If your school / institution has multiple teams (ABC2 etc), these will be separate channels (team-ABC1, team-ABC2 etc). Team supervisors will be in all team channels relevant to their school / institution, however as competitors can only be in a single team, they’ll only be in a single team channel.

Voice channels

It may be beneficial to have a voice channel for your team, whether for communication within your team or easier support from Student Robotics.

If you’d like a voice channel for your team(s), please let us know either in Discord or by email. Only requests from a team supervisor will be honoured. Please note that for safeguarding purposes, Blueshirts will only join voice calls when asked and can only be around whilst a responsible adult (team supervisor, parent) is also in the call. Team supervisors are also responsible for ensuring conduct in these channels meets our rules.