Student Robotics is powered by a collection of passionate individuals with varying skills from diverse backgrounds. If you're passionate about helping us achieve our goal, and you're willing to get stuck in, we have a place for you.
Throughout the year, teams work to develop their robots. Mentors are on the front line with them. Working with one or two teams, mentors help teams keep teams on track, and help them find information they need to progress.
Kickstart, Tech Days, and the competition all depend on a small army of volunteers to run effectively. Whether it's shepherding teams, manning the help-desk, running reception, or orchestrating the matches; we're always eager for more Blueshirts.
Student Robotics relies heavily on an array of hardware and software. Aside from the kit which we lend to teams, there's plenty behind the scenes keeping things running, including this website! There's always room for more eyes to help us develop and maintain it all.
After one kickstart event, I was hooked, and haven’t looked back since! After finishing college, I just had to become a Blueshirt, to help those like me realise their development potential too.
— Jake Howard
SR was the main reason I signed up to do electronics at university, the experience gained by mentoring and coaching on tech days has been invaluable.
— Tom Wheal
Volunteering with Student Robotics gave me the opportunity to work on projects with real deadlines. When applying for my first professional jobs, that experience let me stand out from other applicants.
— Peter Law