Student Robotics is governed by a Board of Trustees who are responsible for ensuring that we use our resources effectively to achieve our charitable goals. The way that we work is laid down in our constitution.
Members play an important role in supporting the Board of Trustees, contributing to the organisation's strategic direction and holding the Trustees to account.
Trustees and Members are volunteers. All Student Robotics volunteers (past and present) are invited to apply to become a Member of the charity. Anyone who is interested in becoming a Trustee who has the interest, time and skills to make a meaningful contribution to managing the charity should get in touch.
Diane works for the Raspberry Pi Foundation. She was previously Head of Computer Science at a Collyer's Sixth Form College in Horsham and has been involved in Student Robotics as a team supervisor since 2013. Diane became a Trustee in January 2018.
David is a retired teacher from Hills Road Sixth Form College, teaching physics and electronics A-level. He has been involved in sixth form robotics competitions since 2001 and has taken part in Student Robotics since 2012. He became a Trustee in January 2018.
Thomas, more commonly known as "Scarzy", is an electronics consultant based in Surrey. He started volunteering for Student Robotics when he joined Southampton Uni in 2009, and became a trustee in November 2020.