
Hold onto your hats, here comes SR 2011

Kickstart, the introductory event that starts the annual Student Robotics competition, is almost upon us. Kickstart will happen on 18th September, 2010. So, if you want to take part this year, make sure you’ve registered!

To register, please visit our joining page.

See you there!

The SR Team

Bear With Us, We're Working on it...

We thought it was about time the Student Robotics website had a complete revamp. It has been in development for a few weeks now, with most of the work being on the back-end. Apart from being more useful for every reader of the website, it has now become significantly easier for us — the guys that run SR — to make changes to the website. So, with any luck, the site will be updated more often.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the site has become live a little before anticipated. Because of this, a large portion of the content is missing — well, not yet present.

The site is still a work in progress, so please bear with us. If, in the mean time, there is something you need to know and can’t find out, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

That’s all for now,

Come and visit us again soon,



The SR Team

Hmmm... What's This? A New SR Website?

Hello, and welcome to the new SR website.