Tech Days confirmed for SR2019

As was announced at Kickstart, we will be running some Tech Days during this competition year.

Tech Days are opportunities for teams to make concentrated progress on their robots with help from highly-experienced Blueshirts. They’re also an opportunity to get technical help and to see how well teams are doing in comparison to other teams. Later Tech Days may feature mockups of the arena, enabling teams to test their robots in more realistic ways.

As with all other events, students must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

We will be running Tech Days at the University of Southampton on the following Saturdays:

These Tech Days will be at the Highfield campus, start around 10am, and finish around 5pm. However are free to attend for as much of that time as they would like.

We are also planning to run some Tech Days in London. If you would be interested in a tech day in London too on these dates, please let us know as soon as possible. For the December tech day, we need enough teams by Wednesday 12th to make it happen.

We look forward to seeing your robots at our Tech Days!