
Student Robotics 2020 Virtual Competition Announcement

Virtual Competition

We will be running a virtual Student Robotics Competition this summer. Our volunteers are hard at work developing a simulator-based solution for teams to compete in.

We aim to keep the virtual competition rules as similar to the SR2020 game, Two Colours, as possible.

Due to the nature of a virtual competition, we should be able to allow competing schools to enter additional teams.

Our first test event is scheduled for late May / early June. We’re really excited to see where this goes.

Physical Competition

While our plan is still to run a physical competition if we can, this is looking increasingly unlikely. Please stay tuned for updates.

You can still find the latest updates on our COVID-19 updates page.

Student Robotics 2020 New Provisional Competition Date

Provisional Competition Date

After surveying our SR2020 teams and volunteers, we have selected the weekend of the 4th July 2020 to be the most appropriate date for the competition.

The COVID-19 situation changes often, so we will re-evaluate in mid-May.

Virtual Competition

We are also considering a virtual competition, and are exploring possibilities of how this could work. This virtual competition would likely be held on our original dates of 18th and 19th April 2020. We aim to keep the virtual competition rules as similar to Two Colours as possible. This is to ensure that teams can use the code they have been working on since Kickstart.

You can still find the latest updates on our COVID-19 updates page.

Student Robotics 2020 Competition Postponed

Following guidance from the UK government and the University of Reading, we will need to postpone the Student Robotics 2020 Competition from the original date in April, until some time late June / early July.

We are currently investigating the following dates for the competition:

  • 27th - 28th June
  • 4th - 5th July
  • 11th - 12th July

The event will still take place over a weekend, at the University of Reading.

We have requested feedback from team leaders and volunteers to help select the most appropriate date.

We hope to confirm the updated date in the next week, so watch this space!

You can still find the latest updates on our COVID-19 updates page.