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Offboarding Checklist

From time to time volunteers may decide that they would like to leave the organisation to focus on other things. When this happens we should try to ensure that anything they're responsible for is handed over to another volunteer.

This checklist aims to provide prompts for things which might need to be handed over. When a volunteer leaves the organisation, it is the responsibility of their teams' committees to each run through this checklist.

The Volunteer

  • Thank the volunteer for their support. While they may be leaving us, it's important they know that they're welcome back and we're grateful for the support they have given us in the past.

  • Arrange for the volunteer to return any equipment which belongs to the charity.

  • If possible, ask why they're leaving. This should be conversational to build understanding, it's not about trying to convince them to stay.

Third Party Services

  • Check the list of who is configured as the "owner" of each third party service that we use and transfer as needed.

  • Check whether there are any other services which the volunteer manages directly (e.g: packages on PyPI, projects in ReadTheDocs) and either confirm that they're happy to continue maintaining those or transfer as needed.