While we try to use terminology which are clear and/or well known, here's a list you can check if you're not sure!
- Competition programme:
the overall programme of events and activities which the teams participate in
- Competition year:
the 6 months (or so) between Kickstart and the Competition during which teams build their robots; see also SRnnnn
- Competition Team:
the group of volunteers responsible for delivering a particular year's Competition programme
- Doing:
an event where volunteers work together to progress the tasks of the organisation, such as preparing for the competition or testing the kit; contrast with "meetings" which are typically where discussions happen
- GitHub:
a development platform, used to host code repositories and to coordinate tasks
- KCH:
a Raspberry Pi HAT designed by Student Robotics that is part of our Brain Board assembly. KCH stands for Kajetan Champlewski HAT in memory of a volunteer.
- Kickstart:
the start of the competition year, when we hand out kits to teams
- Kit Logistics Issue (KLI):
a ticket tracking the assignment of a kit to a team
- Kit Team:
the group of volunteers responsible for maintenance and development of the Team Kits and for supporting competitors in using those kits
- Mentor:
a volunteer who helps teams build their robots
- Pull Request (PR):
the review stage of some changes on GitHub to code or documentation
- Retro:
a meeting after an event to discuss the positives, negatives, feedback, and ways to improve for the following year
- RUB:
an initialism of 'Really Useful Box', a brand of storage box. We use these boxes to store our kit.
- Slack:
an instant-messaging tool we use for quick discussions
- SR:
an abbreviation for 'Student Robotics'
- SR(A)WN:
Student Robotics (Almost) Weekly Newsletter; a semi-regular newsletter written by volunteers for volunteers
- SRComp:
a software stack which we use to run competition events
- srobo:
another abbreviation for 'Student Robotics'
- SRnnnn (e.g: SR2019):
this is the canonical way to refer to a given year's competition programme; the year number is the calendar year in which the competition event takes place, so SR2019 was the competition programme which ran from November 2018 until April 2019
- Team Kits:
we provide a kit of parts which form the starting point for robots built by the competing teams
- Tech Day
during the competition year we organise events at which the teams can come with their robots and get extra help from mentors as well as meet other teams
- TLA:
an initialism of 'Three Letter Acronym'. We assign each competing team a TLA.