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All Committees Meeting

Once a month all of the committees have a meeting. This is normally held on the second Tuesday of the month.


This meeting is to help ensure smooth communications between the separate teams, and also the trustees.

It is not intended that this meeting becomes the sole means of communication between teams, but rather that it helps bring to light stuff that may affect other teams and provide a forum to catch and resolve these.

Who can attend

There should be at least one member of each teams' committee at each meeting. There will also be at least one trustee in attendance.

Other volunteers are welcome at the invite of their committee, if the committee decide they have something to add.


The rough agenda for the all-committees meeting is as follows;

  • Run through updates from each committee, including successes and challenges.
  • Review tasks raised in previous meetings
  • Talking points (AOB)

The minutes will be opened up for edit approximately 1 week prior to the meeting. The team updates and any talking points should be filled in by 24 hours prior to the meeting. Committees should also take this opportunity to review and update any tasks they have outstanding.

24 hours prior to the meeting, the minutes will be changed to read-only1. Committees are encouraged to read the committee updates from other teams during this time, as this will make the meeting go much more smoothly. If a team has a talking point to add after this cut off they should raise it to the trustees, who will add it if appropriate and there is time for discussion.

The trustees will review the talking points for suitability during this 24 hours. A topic will only be removed if it is deemed to not be appropriate for discussion by all committees (this has yet to happen).

During the meeting any questions around the updates and the talking points will be discussed, and any resolutions added to the minutes.

After the meeting the minutes will be moved to the organisation folder, which is accessible by all volunteers.


Action items raised during the these meetings are tracked as GitHub issues on the committee-tasks repository.

  1. In early meetings the document was editable at all times, and more and more talking points kept getting added as the meeting went on. This resulted in a very long meeting, and going largely out of scope.