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Competition Session Checklist

This checklist enumerates the tasks that need to be completed to run a virtual competition session with a module announcement.

Pre Event

  • Advertise the code submission deadline to teams
  • Create the YouTube livestream
  • Update the event page on the website with the correct livestream URL
  • Update the compstate with the correct livestream URL
  • Create a folder for session uploads in Google Drive
  • Create a presentation detailing the new module
  • Assign roles for this session
    • Match Runners - Run the simulations of the matches
    • Presenters - Present and commentate the livestream
    • Producer - Runs the technical aspects of the livestream
    • Scorer - Updates the compstate with match files
    • Chat Mods - Monitor the livestream and Discord chats
  • Check for any new dropouts and update the compstate as necessary
  • Check that the @commentators group in Slack points at the right people
  • Presenters prepare a scripted introduction to the session
    • Check which sponsors to include
    • Check what upcoming events to call out afterwards
  • Revise the rules for the new module
  • Update the simulator for the new module in the private repo
  • Draft a post-event website article with details of the new module (any game sensitive content to be reviewed via Google Drive)
  • Set a volunteer start time for the day of the live stream (10am seems to work well for livestreams happening around lunchtime)

After the Code Submission Deadline

  • Download the team code at the deadline
  • Negotiate with teams and handle any late submissions
  • Check for any no-shows
  • Construct the league for the session
  • Import the league into the compstate

Match Running

Scoring & Production Prep

  • Score the matches
  • Identify things of interest, capture screenshots & videos, prepare a document describing these for the producer
  • Prepare a document with summaries of previous/next match and notes for the commentators

Pre Go Live

  • Check the compbox services (SRComp etc.) are still running
  • Create and set thumbnail for the livestream
  • Put the website into competition mode
  • Producer downloads the recordings and configures the video scheduler to find the files correctly
  • Producer downloads the screenshots & videos of things of interest
  • Scorer downloads the match score files
  • Presenters rehearse any presentations they need to give
  • Presenters join a pre-livestream call to rehearse their interactions

Go Live

  • Presenters present
  • Scorer deploys the match files to the compstate as they are broadcast
  • Scorer copies match summaries into Slack #livestream for the commentators as the matches are broadcast
  • Chat Mods to monitor chat and forward on any relevant messages to presenters or producer via Slack (the @commentators group may be useful for this)

Module Announcement

  • Present the prepared presentation
  • Chat Mods collect questions from the livestream and Discord then paste into a Slack channel
  • Available volunteers comment on questions (in threads) with any answers or thoughts
  • Presenters read the questions, any answers in the thread, and add their own comments
  • Release the rules
  • Release the simulator update
  • Publish the prepared website article with the module announcement
  • End the livestream

Post Livestream

  • Archive the livestream so that it can be watched as a Video on Demand (VOD)
  • Cut down the VOD on YouTube to remove the countdown
  • Add chapters to the VOD
  • Distribute logs and animation files to teams
  • Schedule a Retro after a brief break
  • Announce the final scores, VOD, and next competition time to the teams
  • Revert the website back to non competition mode


  • Have a Retro
  • Record actions to be taken

Post Retro

  • Plan next event