Reception Volunteer¶
Reception staff are the first point of contact for attendees at the competition and will answer any questions when people first arrive. On top of this, reception staff have a few administrative tasks to do for new team and volunteer arrivals/departures.
At the start of the competition day, there should be 3 reception staffers covering the entrance. Ushers will be posted by the stairs on level 3, and by the level 3 helpdesk; they are there to direct teams to their pits. Once the initial influx of people is complete, reception will reduce to one staffer and ushers will no longer be required.
For All Arrivals¶
All people that enter the venue should be aware that we're taking photos and videos. There will be signage outside and on the table, so that people are made aware.
If people object to being recorded¶
If people do object to being recorded, first explain that we only use footage to advertise ourselves. If they still object, they should be given a red lanyard and told to wear them at all times, this is to ensure that we do not take photos of them, and if we do we will digitally remove them before publishing photos. We should explain that it would be best for them to avoid being close to arena during matches, as we'll be livestreaming.
Handling members of the public¶
Throughout the competition, receptionists typically get a lot of questions by the public. Any member of the public is allowed into the building.
You can give them a booklet and direct them to the arena if they seem interested.
Handling Team Arrivals¶
When a team first arrives or leaves, your role at reception is to log this, collect items from the team and inform them of the next steps.
If competitors have arrived before their team supervisor, they should be directed to wait in the waiting area by reception until their team supervisor arrives.
Offer each competitor a bag of swag as they enter.
Team entry/exit recording¶
You will have been provided with access to the competition helpdesk system. One of the things this records is whether teams are present. When a team first arrives each day, please mark the team as arrived in the system. If a teams arrive and leave throughout the day, please update the system accordingly.
Note, teams need to have their supervisor present while they are at the event. Make sure you are talking to the team supervisor during the sign in process. Team members who arrive before their supervisor can wait in the seating beside reception.
Collecting batteries, chargers, and bags¶
We handle battery charging and robot safety at the competition. This means we should take all of the following items from each team:
- 2 x Battery (Teams have 2 batteries, please take both)
- 1 x Battery charger
- 1 x Battery charging bag
- 1 x Battery charging Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Where teams are missing some of these items, note down the missing items in the helpdesk system and continue with the check-in process. Helpdesk will deal with these missing items later on.
Next steps for the team¶
Inform the team of these things when they first arrive at the venue:
- The team should proceed to their pit (Ushers and Shepherds will be available to provide directions).
- When ready for their first battery, the team should proceed to their nearest helpdesk.
- Helpdesk will perform a safety inspection of the robot and provide the team with a battery when it passes.
For teams arriving prior to the welcome presentation on the first competition day, inform them that an announcement will be made when they need to proceed to the main arena to attend this. Until then then they are free to work on their robot.
Handling Team Departures¶
On Saturday: When a team leaves, ask them to ensure they've taken all their personal belongings with them (we can't take responsibility for damage or loss), and that they've taken advantage of overnight battery loan if they'd like it.
On Sunday: Teams may leave early on the Sunday, either due to being knocked out or other commitments. If this happens, you'll need to follow the kit return process to make sure they've returned all of their kit. If they leave before the closing ceremony, kit return must happen at helpdesk.
Handling Volunteer Arrivals¶
Volunteers will be turning up throughout the competition. When they do:
- Collect the volunteer's name so that this can be passed on to the volunteer coordinator.
- Instruct the volunteer to proceed directly to the rest area and instruct them to get a t-shirt. Inform them that the volunteer coordinator will meet them there.
- Inform the volunteer coordinator, via phone, that the volunteer has arrived.
The volunteer coordinator will meet the volunteer at the rest area, ensure they have read the safeguarding policy and direct them to their area.
Required Items¶
Each reception staffer should have a chair and a desk to sit at.
You should have the following items present for your duties. If you do not, please let the competition event coordinator know as soon as possible.
- Pens
- Competitor swag bags to give to teams
- This documentation
- Boxes to store battery charging kits
- Red Lanyards for media consent denials
- "Recording in progress" signage
- Optionally, a laptop to use the helpdesk system on