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Crimper Volunteer

Note: For the 2017 competition, the armbands provided have plastic fixings. This means that the crimper role will be performed directly by reception staff and there will be no secondary role

Crimping staff are responsible for operating wristband crimpers, to securely attach wristbands to the wrists of competition attendees. Everyone permitted through reception will be given a loose wristband: crimpers stand behind reception and crimp the wristband once an attendee is allowed in. (If someone re-enters the competition with an already crimped wristband, no need to crimp them again).

Upon crimping, inform the person that they need to have the wristband on for BOTH days of the competition. Training will be available from jmorse on the morning of each day; don't operate the crimper without it, they can be harmful.

Crimped wristbands should be secure but comfortable: the aim is for them to not constrict blood-flow but to also not fall off peoples wrists.

Some people may ask that their wristband is not crimped on: you should default to crimping, but use common sense. People who don't wish the wristband to be crimped should provide an explanation that you believe. If you decide not to crimp it, inform them that they will need to have the wristband (loose) throughout BOTH days of the competition.

After the initial influx, this roll will be absorbed by the reception staff.