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Competition Team Coordinator

The competition team coordinator is responsible for managing the teams at the competition. As the team coordinator, your main responsibilities are:

  1. Keeping track of which teams are present at the competition.
  2. Ensuring teams are well-informed about the event whilst they are at the event.
  3. Kit collection from teams.
  4. Running reception.
  5. Running tinker time.

Informing Teams

Teams will need to know several things whilst they are at the competition. The main things that they need to know are:

  • The site rules.
  • The schedule of the event.
  • Where their pit area is.
  • How they should know when their matches are and how to get to them.

At previous events this has been done through two means:

  1. Providing some information to the introductory speaker at the event. This can only really be a very brief summary of the key points. That speaker will include these in their talk.

  2. Putting a few sheets of paper on the desks of each pit. These sheets outline all of the things the teams need to know.

Kit Collection

Before teams leave the competition, they need to hand in their kit. You will need to interact with the Kit Logistics Coordinator regarding this, and manage the volunteers performing kit collection.


Reception is the gateway into the event. You will need to manage reception and the volunteers staffing it. There are a few crucial functions that the reception performs:

  • Ensuring that everyone who enters into the venue has signed a media consent form. The media consent forms allow SR to use photographs and video taken at the competition in future publications, etc. People who are under the age of 18 will need to have these forms signed by their parents or guardians. We do not engage in ID checks, so to reduce complexity we require that all competition participants get their parents to sign a media consent form. To ease the process we have a ticketing system that will only provide people with a ticket if they have submitted a signed media consent form. Crimped wristbands are also very useful to allow people in and out of the venue without having to repeatedly sign media consent forms.

  • Collection of items of kit from teams upon entry that they are required to hand in at that point (e.g. battery chargers).

  • Keeping a log of who has attended the competition, including their team affiliation.

  • Directing teams arriving at the event to their pits.

Tinker Time

There are a few times during the event where teams will be provided with access to the arenas to test their robots. It will be your responsibility to schedule their access to it.