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SR2017 Pit Documentation

Pre-competition Preparation

There are 54 pits in SR2017 split over two floors of the venue, 22 on floor 0 and 32 on floor 2.


To help locate teams, each pit has a 'flag' with the team's TLA on it. This flag consists of a 1.2m bamboo cane taped to the table with an A4 piece of card taped at the top. A piece of paper with the team's TLA is stuck on each side of the card.

Table and Chair Requirements

Each pit requires a single 2x6ft or 2x8ft 'large' trestle table and 6 chairs. This is 54 tables and 324 chairs.

Tape Order

48mm wide masking tape is used to mark out the pit boundaries. 462m of tape is required for all of the pit boundaries. The tape comes in 50m rolls, so order 12 rolls (to have some spare).

Two rolls of 50mm x 50m white gaffer tape for the flags.

Set-up Day Plans

There are two top-level tasks that can (and should) be carried out in parallel:

  • Flag Construction [1 person]
  • Pit Construction [3 people]

Flag Construction

One person is required for Flag Construction*


  • 54x 1.2m bamboo canes
  • 54x pieces of A4 card
  • 54x printed TLAs (three per A4 sheet - one spare)
  • 1x Glue stick
  • 1x roll of 50mm x 50m white gaffer tape


  • Scissors


  1. Cut up the printed TLA sheets. [10 mins]
  2. Stick the printed TLA sheets to both sides of the card. [20 mins]
  3. Tape each piece of card to the end of a bamboo cane. [30 mins]

Total construction time: 1 hour.

Pit Construction

Three people are required for Pit Construction


  • Pit layout floor plan (pits-floor-0.pdf and pits-floor-2.pdf from comp-floorplans.git)
  • 12x 48mm x 50m rolls of masking tape
  • 54x large trestle tables
  • 324x chairs
  • 54x fully assembled flags (from Flag Construction) - These can be constructed while the pit construction is happening.
  • 1x roll of 50mm x 50m white gaffer tape
  • 54x pit information sheets TODO who is making these?


  • 1x 30m measuring tape


  1. On floor 0, mark out the corners of all of the pits with small squares of masking tape. [30 mins]
  2. Double check the location of the corner marking tape - we don't get a second chance at laying the boundaries so it's worth checking. [20 mins]
  3. Lay the full length boundaries using the masking tape. There is only enough tape for a single strip of tape between pits so do not run two pieces of tape next to each other anywhere. [30 mins]
  4. Place the tables as shown on the floor plan. [10 mins]
  5. Attach the pit flags onto the corner of each table using the white gaffer tape, observing the mapping shown on the floor plan. Orient the flags so that it is easy to read them when standing near the door to the lift. [1 hour]
  6. Tape a pit information sheet to each desk using the white gaffer tape. [20 mins]
  7. On floor 2, mark out the corners of all of the pits with small squares of masking tape. [1 hour]
  8. Double check the location of the corner marking tape. [40 mins]
  9. Lay the full length boundaries using the masking tape. As on floor 0 there is only enough for a single strip of tape between pits. [1 hour]
  10. Place the tables as shown on the floor plan. [20 mins]
  11. Attach the pit flags onto the corner of each table using the white gaffer tape, observing the mapping shown on the floor plan. Orient the flags so that it is easy to read them when standing near the corridor to the lift. [1 hour 30 mins]
  12. Tape a pit information sheet to each desk using the white gaffer tape. [40 mins]

Total construction time: 8 hours