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SR2025 Competition Setup Plan

The event logistics area is responsible for the setup at the SR2025 competition. Volunteers will be split into teams with a plan for the day, and each team will have a leader.

The number following each team is the number of people that team should ideally have.


gantt title SR2025 Setup (Thursday) dateFormat HH:mm axisFormat %H:%M section Team A (3) Lay test arena carpet :testCarpet, 09:00, 1h Lay main arena carpet :mainCarpet, 10:30, 1h Lunch :lunchA, 12:30, 1h Mount and setup arena screens :setupCornerScreens, 13:30, 2h section Team B (4) Assemble test arena walls :testWalls, after testCarpet, 1h Assemble main arena walls :mainWalls, after mainCarpet, 1h Lunch :lunchB, 12:30, 1h section Team C (2) Setup level 2 helpdesk :l2Helpdesk, 09:00, 1.5h Setup score entry table :scoreEntry, after l2Helpdesk, 0.25h Setup staging tables :stagingTables, after scoreEntry, 0.25h Lunch :lunchC, 12:30, 1h section Team D (2) Add test arena markings :testMarkings, after testWalls, 1.5h Lunch :lunchD, 12:30, 1h Add test arena markings :testMarkings2, after lunchD, 0.5h Add main arena markings :mainMarkings, after testMarkings2, 2h section Team E (2) Place test arena wall markers :testWallMarkers, after testWalls, 1.5h Lunch :lunchE, 12:30, 1h Place main arena wall markers :mainWallMarkers, after lunchE, 1.5h section Team F (2) Setup livestream :livestream1, 09:00, 3.5h Lunch :lunchF, 12:30, 1h Setup livestream :livestream2, after lunchF, 2.5h section SUSU Crew Rig Cube :rigCube, 08:30, 2h Lunch :lunchSUSU, 12:30, 1h


gantt title SR2025 Setup (Friday) dateFormat HH:mm axisFormat %H:%M section Team A (4) Clear pit areas :clearPitAreas, 09:00, 1h Setup pit tables :setupPitTables, after clearPitAreas, 1h Setup venue screens :setupVenueScreens, 11:30, 1h section Team B (2) Place venue signage :venueSignage, 09:00, 1h Setup reception tables :receptionTables, 10:30, 0.5h Label pit tables :labelPitTables, 11:30, 1h section Team C (2) Setup helpdesk and battery charging :setupHelpdesk, 09:00, 1h Setup power tools area :setupPowerTools, after setupHelpdesk, 1h Place arena barriers :arenaBarriers, 11:30, 0.5h section Team D (4) Make swag bags :swagBags, 09:00, 3.5h section Team E (2) Add hi-vis jacket labels :jacketLabels, 09:00, 1h section SUSU Crew Setup pit power :setupPitPower, 10:30, 1h Setup venue screens :setupVenueScreensSUSU, 11:30, 1h Lunch :lunchSUSU, 12:30, 45m