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SR2017 Competition Event Details

This page is primarily for internal use. If you are a team competing in Student Robotics, you probably want our main website.

Dates: 1st and 2nd April 2017

Location: Newbury Racecourse Grandstand.

Entrance: Competitors need to bring along a ticket to be allowed entry. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Student Robotics will announce when tickets are available.

Food: Food will be available for purchase from the catering stands in the grandstand.

The Site

Newbury Racecourse Grandstand has three stories with a large, open space on each level. This year there will be two arenas, situated on the ground floor. Teams will have a desk, power, and wireless internet ('the pits'), and will be situated on the ground and second floor. The first floor will be an open area for for those having lunch.

Getting to the event

Newbury Racecourse is located in the middle of the South of England and is easily accessible from junctions 12 and 13 of the M4, from the M3 and the A34. There is also a railway station right outside the racecourse with connections to London and the West.


Free parking is available at the venue for cars, minibuses, and coaches. There will be signs and parking marshals in place to show you where to park.


1/04/2017: Day 1

Time Activity
9:00 Doors open
9:30 Introduction and Safety briefing
9:45 Tinkering time
11:15 League matches
12:15 Lunch and Tinkering time
13:00 League matches
17:30 End of day

02/04/2017: Day 2

Time Activity
9:00 Doors open
9:30 League matches
12:15 Lunch
13:15 League matches
14:45 Competition Photo
15:00 Knockout matches
17:00 End of Knockout matches
17:15 Prize Ceremony
18:00 End of day