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Introductory Brief

The introductory and H&S briefer gives a ~10m talk at the beginning of the competition regarding matters of importance, which at a high level are:

  • Health and Safety
  • How the competition operates

In that order.

Health & Safety should cover at least:

  • Common sense (i.e., don't run everywhere)
  • Use of tools
  • Battery safety
  • Robot safety checking

The competition intro talk should:

  • Introduce tinker time
  • Explain (and illustrate) the procedure for operating the robot in a match, from gate to gate.
  • Especially highlight that teams must insert the USB stick provided at the staging area before turning on their robot at the beginning of the match.
  • Lay down rules on who is allowed where
  • Describe tinker time and make it clear how one books tinker time.
  • Give a short overview of the game itself (more or less what is printed on the competition flyer).