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Student Robotics Volunteer Kitbook (Deprecated)

Deprecated - Content has been moved and integrated into

The kitbook contains documentation that is relevant to all of the Student Robotics Kit Team.


To run this project locally, you'll need:

  • Python (>=3.5)
  • pip
  • pipenv (pip install pipenv)


Installing dependencies

pipenv install --dev

Running development server

pipenv run serve

This will launch a server on http://localhost:8000. Content in the server will live-reload as changes are made. If large refactors of the site structure are made, it's advisable to stop the server, make the changes, then restart it.

Production build

pipenv run build

This will build the site once, and place it in site/ in the root of the project. This may be useful to see which files are rendered, and how exactly to access them.


There are some rudimentary tests in the project. These are all run by the CI, and must pass before deployment.

pipenv run lint-yaml  # Checks the yaml content is well formatted

mkdocs has the power to resolve and validate links, however only when they're in a specific format. Links to pages inside the runbook should be relative, and end with the .md file extension (ie [some other page](./kit-team/ produces some other page). This way, mkdocs will correctly validate these links. Links which don't follow this format are not validated.


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