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Kit Support Documentation

This is the Kit Support Coordinator's documentation. The Kit Support Coordinator is responsible for providing support to all users of the kit (both teams and volunteers), managing allocation of support kit and assessing claims of broken kit (and authorising shipping of spare kit where required). There are no subordinate roles.


Assessing claims of broken kit

  1. Create an issue in the kit support coord issue tracker to keep track of all of the information relating to this claim as it progresses.
  2. Ascertain exactly who is making the claim (team TLA or volunteer name) and record how this claim was made (email to kit-support@, forum post, word of mouth, etc).
  3. Assess the extent of the damage and the circumstances under which it occurred. Specifically ascertain the following:
    • What parts of the kit does the team/volunteer consider to be broken.
    • How exactly the kit was wired up at the time of the incident which is suspected to have caused the damage.
    • Does the team/volunteer have any photos or videos of the kit/robot from around the time that the suspected damage was caused.
    • Is there any visible damage to any parts of the kit. E.g. visibly burnt out components.
    • Does anything smell broken? (This is actually quite a good method of detecting electrical damage).
  4. Based upon the above information, develop a list of parts that is likely to be damaged/broken. This list may include more parts that originally reported.
  5. If possible, request that the team/volunteer performs some quick tests of other parts of the kit to assess their functionality. E.g. try plugging the webcam into a PC and see if it works.
  6. Send a request to the Kit Logistics Coordinator to dispatch the necessary replacement parts.
  7. Inform the team/volunteer that replacement parts on in transit.
  8. Instruct the team/volunteer to place all broken parts (those that are being replaced) into a cardboard box, seal it, and mark it with the following: 'Suspected broken kit. Hand to reception at competition. See issue #NNN' where NNN is the number of the issue being used to track this claim. Note, the Kit Support Coordinator is not responsible for changing anything in the Inventory - the Kit Logistics Coordinator will handle it as appropriate.


This page is based on work done by Fiona Gillan, Richard Barlow, Rob Gilton and Thomas Leese, originally published at, which was under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.