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Kit Shipping

Part of the Kit Logistics Coordinator's responsibilities cover moving either whole or parts of kits around the UK and the world. This is generally referred to as shipping (even though it rarely involves ships!). All movement of kit is managed by the Kit Logistics Coordinator, so please do not ship anything without first speaking to them. You can contact them at:

Almost all shipping requirements happen at well defined points throughout the Student Robotics calendar. When kits or parts therefore need to be shipped specific procedures are followed as detailed in the Procedures chapter.

When kits or parts of kit are being shipped they must be suitably packaged to prevent them from being damaged. Details of the packaging requirements are detailed in the Packaging chapter.

Some parts of the kit require special attention when being shipped. The Couriers chapter includes information on these requirements along with some general information about the parts commonly shipped.


This page is based on work done by Richard Barlow, originally published at, which was under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.