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Hardware Production Documentation

This is the Hardware Production Coordinator's documentation. The hardware production coordinator's responsibilities consist of manufacturing and maintaining the SR kit.




At the end of each Competition Programme Year (denoted by the kit return deadline) all of the kit parts require cataloguing, cleaning, testing, repairing (where necessary) and packing back into kits ready for the following competition programme year. These tasks are carried out at the Kit Collation Event and the Kit Packing Event.

The Kit Collation Event is a week long event that occurs towards the end of July/start of August. At the event, all of the kits from the previous Competition Programme Year are unpacked and the contents catalogued, cleaned and tested. The week starts with complete untested kits and ends with separate boxes of parts (i.e. all parts of one type collected together) tested as working. Any parts found to be defective are to be repaired or disposed of before the Kit Packing Event.

The Kit Packing Event is a two day weekend event that occurs at the end of August/start of September. The sorted and tested parts from the Kit Collation Event are packed into kits ready for handing to teams. The consumable parts of the kit are also prepared and packed, such as the wire and camcon connectors. At the end of the week all of the kits are strapped to a pallet ready to be shipped to our post handling provider.


This page is based on work done by Fiona Gillan, Richard Barlow, Rob Gilton and Thomas Leese, originally published at, which was under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.