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Kit Return Volunteer

Please note that this page is obsolete: It is a remnant from old documentation, and will be replaced-with/integrated-into the relevant project team's documentation when possible

Kit return staff are responsible for receiving kit from teams at the end of the competition and checking it. A combination of door guards and teams having to sign out at reception should ensure that kit return staff do not have to actively solicit kit from teams: they should present it to the staff.

Kit should only be accepted when it is placed in a RUB: loose kit should be rejected. When presented with a RUB full of kit, kit return staff should:

Don't let people leave the competition for good with any kit if they aren't on the list of teams authorised to keep their kit

Teams returning kit

  • Check the contents against a list of parts expected in the kit. Make all reasonable attempts to retrieve kit there and then i.e. if they've left a bit upstairs they go and get it.
  • If they do not have something, record it on a missing kit form.
  • If the kit return form indicates that they have more than a normal kit to return (i.e. they had broken kit and did not return it upon arrival), see if they can return it now. If not, record it on a missing kit form.
  • Indicate if all parts are present or if a missing kit form has been filled in on the kit return form.
  • Write down the part code of the Really Useful Box on the kit return form.
  • Get their team leader to sign and write their name on the kit return form.

After the competition, the missing kit for teams will be sent to them by the teams coordinator to ensure the kit is returned. Kit should be shipped to the postal address listed on the website

Teams leaving before competition-end

Teams leaving early should follow the same process as above, though we should push them to spend more time searching for any missing items they might have lost at the venue. If they are unable to find the items or are sure that they didn't bring them, then we should record the item on a missing kit form (as above).

Teams keeping kit

  • Write down the part code of the Really Useful Box on the kit return form.
  • Give them two batteries, a battery charging bag and a charger+PSU. Record the part numbers of these five things on the kit return form.
  • Get their team leader to sign and write their name on the kit return form.
  • Give the team a return kit and ensure you inform them that they will be responsible for return shipping charges.
  • Stick the appropriate 'authorised to keep kit' sheet onto the kit of the Really Useful Box with tape.
  • Kit should be shipped to the postal address listed on the website at, which is also included on the kit-authorisation form.

This workflow is shown in the diagram below.

Kit return flow

For each returned kit

  • Remove any batteries from the kit and store them separately
  • Seal the handles of the kit with tape
  • Stick a post-it on the end of the box with the team's TLA on it (to allow for double checking later on)
  • Stack the box with the post-it visible

Required Items

You should have the following items present for your duties. If you do not, please let the competition team coordinator know as soon as possible. These documents should already be printed, but their source can be found in the kit-coordination-documents repo.

  • This documentation and flow chart.
  • Sign-out sheet.
  • Kit return table (indicating teams and kit to return, as well as details of teams that are authorised to keep kit).
  • Missing kit form (blank forms that you can use to mark items that are missing from returned kit).
  • Kit extension labels (to mark boxes that may leave the building).
  • Kit return shipping packs (to provide to teams that are keeping kit).
  • Name labels to mark up the RUBs.


This page is based on work done by Jeremy Morse, Rob Gilton and Sean Bedford, originally published at, which was under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

The original work is based on work done by Jeremy Morse, which was under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit